PS4 Remote Play is coming to PC and Mac, says Sony - Tech Gear Clothing

PS4 Remote Play is coming to PC and Mac, says Sony

PS4 Remote Play is coming to PC and Mac, says Sony ,

Sony has confirmed that it’s working on an official Remote Play app for PC and Mac, to allow PS4 owners to stream and play games on their desktops.

The company’s president of worldwide studios Shuhei Yoshida said as much in a tweet. The Xbox One already allows console-to-PC streaming with Windows 10, so Sony will want to work quickly to catch up to its rival.

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Sony isn’t the only one interested in bringing Remote Play to desktops: independent developer Twisted noted a couple of days ago that he was readying an unofficial app for PC. He’s released an alpha version that costs $10 and supports streaming at 720p resolution and 60 frames per second.

I previously noted that it was unclear if Sony will attempt to shut down Twisted’s unofficial tool as large corporations are wont to do, but it seems even more certain now that the company has confirmed plans to build its own Remote Play app.

Either way, you soon won’t need to worry if someone else is watching TV when you want to fire up Fallout 4 or Transformers: Devastation.

➤ Sony is working on a PS4 Remote Play app for PC and Mac [The Verge]


PS4 Remote Play is coming to PC and Mac, says Sony
Credit: PlayStation / Flickr